
Ep. 36 // "Making the Past Present" w/ Rabbi Dr. Shmary Brownstein

Rabbi Dr. Shmary Brownstein is a shliach in Davis, California where he also wrote his doctoral dissertation, "Voicing the Shechina," on the famous series of maamorim, Bosi Lgani.

In this episode, we discuss Shmary's growing up in Crown Heights in the early 90s and his decision to leave for Brunoy.

We discuss how the conception of past changed over those years and how some of the ideas of Bosi Lgani might inform how we ought to approach staying connected to the past without becoming lost in it.

Thank you to Rabbi Ari Kirschenbaum and Chabad Heights for location.


Ep. 37 // "The Need to Move Forward" w/ Mrs. Toby Hecht


Ep. 35 // "Do You Notice the Narrative?" w/ Rabbi Peretz Chein (Bonus conversation w/ Chanie Chein)