
Ep. 39 // "Working With What I Have" w/ R' Yossel Mochkin

Reb Yossel Mochkin grew up in Crown Heights in the 1960s and 1970s, living in the cloistered world of his immigrant parents and their friends but surrounded by a fast changing and exciting world around him.

Never finding it easy to fit in to the milieu around him, Yossel had to ask on his own questions about the direction his life was to take.

These questions were never fully resolved, but a yechidus with the Rebbe gave Yossel a blueprint his is still continuing to implement.

In this conversation we discuss the never ending journey of finding one's place, the private wrestling with one's faith and the ability to grow through it all.


Ep. 40 // "May We See the Rebbe" w/ Mrs. Tzivia Jacobson


Ep. 38 // “Finding the Rebbe’s Softer Voice” w/ Rabbi Berry Farkash